理查‧布蘭森是世界上最知名的商界人士之一,善於透過創業和經營將新構想商業化,資歷超過40年;他曾將「維京通訊」(Virgin Mobile USA)經營成史上營收最快突破10億美元的企業,現為維京集團(Virgin Group)創辦人兼董事長。該集團在全球30餘國經營超過300家企業,活躍於休閒、旅遊、觀光、行動通訊、寬頻、電視、廣播、音樂展演、金融及健身等產業,維京也是世界上最受敬重、最具價值的品牌之一。
◎《大師輕鬆讀》中英對照摘錄 “If there is one line that could sum up all the varied and curious lessons I’ve learned in business, it’s this: scale doesn’t matter—people do. So don’t let relative scale put you off your goals. Think realistically and creatively about what you can achieve. You can do this whether you’re a corporate manager or a sole trader—and what you learn by way of entrepreneurship will directly benefit your business. Good small solutions are like gold dust as it’s often possible to scale them up, or replicate them many fold, so they acquire global influence.” —Richard Branson